Free To Be Me - Gender

Scripture Reading - Genesis 1:27-28 KJV

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

In the world there is always a geological comparison made between people. In other words people of the same community will compare every person of that community with the “so-called” norm. Thus, the norm is acceptable while the abnormal is not. The problem is who defines what the norm is and does such a defined norm exist for all the people of that community? This comparison usually involves at least seven different issues (characteristics and/or topics), age, career, gender, morality, religion, ethnicity and income. So the people with similar characteristics will always be drawn to a closer relationship then those who think, act and sometimes look differently than them. This week we will briefly discuss how the characteristic of “gender” relates to our freedom in Christ Jesus. In the scriptures above we see that God created the two different genders for a specific purpose. The purposes of God are manifold but today we will only discuss three for each “gender”. One common point is that we (ihlcc and all people) are both made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore no woman should ever feel they are less important to God. The good Lord created the woman uniquely because her task in life is different than man’s. Yes, women can do almost anything a man can do but that is not why she was created, for there is no competition in Christ. The woman was created to assist man with doing God’s will upon the earth. First, her caring heart is to nourish the family because her compassion flows deep. She is typically more spiritually perceptual than man because she often thinks about how to please others first. Since by sheer nature she spends a lot of time pondering how she can help others that makes her an open channel for God’s heart and His wisdom. The softer the heart the easier it is for God to speak to you. Secondly, the woman is also tasked with securing the family (and friendships) in the sense of relationships. Yes, the seed for the child comes from the man (in the context of marriage) but the womb of incubation is inherent in the woman (womb-man). She will nourish and care for the child all of her life, if she maintains the natural and spiritual affection God gave her for this purpose. Thirdly, the woman is supposed to be a teacher of love and good works. Yes, this means both by being a strong symbol of submission for God’s order but also in words of wisdom, intelligence and graciousness. The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:10-31 does all things well. She works continuously and prays fervently she is to be praised by all those who know her because she is special to God and adored by man. Man is quite the different creation. First of all, man delights in accomplishment at all cost. It is said, “That a man who does not work (create, serve) to produce (make) something good is only a shadow of a man”. The good Lord created man to work, his very first assignment from God was to work in God’s garden in Genesis 2:7,8,and 15. God gave man a job before He gave him a woman. Yes, the Lord intended for man to build a house first so that the woman could help him make the house beautiful by making a house a home and filling it with love. Yes, both the man and the woman together can reproduce another creature made in God’s image. However, when they work apart from each other nothing wonderful can be created (or made). Secondly and thirdly, the man is also known as the protector and provider because his assignment before God includes both. Man provides for those in his household because it is right in the sight of God. Likewise, a good family-man (father or eldest male) will naturally be a guardian to all those under his roof as a protector of peace and life . Men do not have a lot of pity for laziness or lack of character because being made in God’s image and likeness they delight in seeing positive results. Of course men and women are a lot more complicated than what we (ihlcc) discussed today but this message is only designed to encourage you to be exactly what God created you to be. If you are a woman of God be pure and beautiful as God ordained and never let a man or any other woman try to mode you into their own image (imagination) of you. Likewise, if you are male, be a man of God and follow the Lord’s direction and guidance instead of being a momma’s boy. God created you to rule with the wife in compassion not over the wife in dominance. If you are single at this present time know that you are never single in Christ Jesus because in Jesus we are never alone, just acknowledge your Heavenly Father and Jesus because they are always there. Yet, while you are uncommented to any earthly person enjoy this freedom in Christ to fulfill your destiny (calling) on earth. The Good God (shepherd) is all you need to dream big to do the impossible and achieve the incredible in Jesus Christ your Savior. Amen.